Leaning In
Pathways through Lent

Leaning In

Psalm 119:49–72 Genesis 37:25–36 1 Corinthians 2:1–13 Mark 1:29–45

As we enter this Lenten season, you are invited to stop and reflect upon your
own life and all that is truly important to you at a deep level.
Each year I do so by picking a theme that embodies the way I want to live
my life. This year it’s leaning in. To me, leaning in means engaging, moving
toward, participating consciously in whatever I do rather than avoiding,
disconnecting, or checking out.
Are you leaning in?
Is there something that you have been avoiding? Something that’s important
that you really want to do but for whatever reason you haven’t made it
happen? Perhaps this Lent can be your opportunity.
Can you work on relationships, rekindling and building new friendships? In
the end, these make the true difference in our lives.
Can you take your business to the next level, positively and significantly
impacting people with your work?
Can you lean into your intellect, reading more and engaging in thoughtful
discussion? Or can you lean into your body, making your life more healthy?
I’ll be leaning into all these, as well as St. John’s, by deepening my service to
the church, my involvement within the community, and my spiritual life as a
whole. It’s the core of my life if I allow it to be.
As we proceed through this Lent and preparation for the joys of Easter, I
invite you to join me. What can you be leaning into this Lent?
–Lisa Kirchenbauer

Leaning In