Pathways through Lent


Psalm 78:1–72 Genesis 45:1–15 1 Corinthians 7:32–40 Mark 6:1–13

Fasting is a part of the Lenten spiritual tradition not just in the Episcopal Church but in other faiths, as well. By not eating until dinnertime, we become aware of hunger signals, which remind us that we are giving food up for God.

It is very humbling to be hungry but not able to eat. This sacrifice is intended to make us aware of our relationship with God. Lent is a time to deepen this connection, and fasting can facilitate this relationship.

What if this year our fast was not about sustenance but something else? What if, instead of denying ourselves food, we denied ourselves negative thoughts? When a negative thought arose, such as judgment or criticism or lack of forgiveness, we could deny it and offer the thought up to God.

What a lifting of the spirit that would be! As we deepened our connection to God, we would also grow and develop within ourselves. After 40 days and 40 nights, it could be transforming. It could become a way of life.

Lent is a time of reflection and an opportunity to strengthen our faith. Fasting can be a way of giving up, of moving into a new place in our spiritual relationship with God. As we contemplate the Lenten season ahead of us, may whatever practice you choose bring you closer to Him.

–Robin Webber

March 5_Martin Bartosch
Photo by Martin Bartosch

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